A downloadable Electronic Video Game

This short game was made to bring light to a predator & lolcow in the YouTube space, GlassWindowYT aka Tinky Tim.

The game is currently still under development and is scheduled to get more content and fixes.

The world is a gritty and dangerous place. You are the jury and the executioner. Hack, compile evidence and imprison. Make the internet a better place, one creep behind bars at a time.

Your goal is to look through the web and compile the evidence. However, not everyone is pleased with your endeavor. The unwashed hands of Tinky Tim yearn for your demise.

Quick start guide

Hacking quick start guide

Some information can only be obtained and understood by hacking into the data storage resources of the website currently opened in the web browser. 

Penetrator commands:

HELPPrint out all commands to the console
CURLGet the source code of the website and the linked resources
CURRENTSee the information about the currently opened website
CLRClears the console screen
PENETRATE <PORT>Starts the hack of the specified port of the website currently opened

If you want to probe a website and see the resources linked to it (data), you need to open it in the Thunderwolf Web Browser first. Then type CURL into the console and see if the website has any resources linked to it. If it has, the ports will be listed on the bottom, encapsulated in the <resource></resource> tag. You can then use these ports in your PENETRATE function. 

Once you've started penetrating the resource, you'll be subjected to a hacking minigame.

In this simple minigame that mimics the 1979 Atari classic, Asteroids, you'll be tasked to destroy 8 asteroids, before they destroy you.

Arrow KeysMovement

After a successful session, the information will be presented to you in the console window.

Evidence gathering

In order to progress and eventually win, you need to dig up dirt on your POI (person of interest), which is assigned to you trough case dispatch e-mails. Evidence gathering process consists of browsing different websites, reading trough forums and gathering incriminating or potentially incriminating evidence against the POI. You will need to save the evidence inside your Xpress Notepad 6.0 installed on your desktop. Just make sure all of the evidence is placed into one note. 

You can click on articles or pieces of text in order to copy them to clipboard, which should streamline your copy/pasting workflow with the Notepad software.

Submit any evidence to shatteredglass.urghbla.com

Tinky Tim

He's rinky. He's tinky. And he absolutely doesn't wash his hands after he goes to the bathroom! This deranged (quite accurate) virtual representation knows where you live and will hunt you down. Make sure to keep an ear out for his deep breathing and one-liners, recorded by the Tinky Man himself. Best thing you can do to protect yourself against him is to run and lock the doors - the brain rotted Tinky Tim doesn't have a big attention span.

Be careful though, as he can turn your power off and throw a wrench into your whole system!

Special thanks:

UrghBla and the UrghBla community;


Game By NMCM;

All models, textures and scripts are made by me except for:

  • UrghBla Art - katymean
  • Glass catboy - DanishKC
  • UrghBla - Menu music 
  • Various glass memes - The UrghBla Community

Known bugs

  •  Door opening/closing is fidgety and needs a few clicks to register sometimes. Suspecting a faulty coroutine logic.
  • Tinky Tim can sometimes turn off your power too many times


TinkyTim v0.8 88 MB

Install instructions

1. Download the game

2. Extract it into a folder

3. Run TinkyTim.exe

4. Put custom desktop images in TinkyTim_Data/Desktops


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10/10 game for using my crappy glass art as BG's, but in all seriousness this is hella fun and well made, love the Fears To Fathom vibes

lmfaooo ayy glad you liked it man


Thanks for playing!